Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Dr. Raul Cuero and Nature

While watching the interview with Dr. Raul Cuero I couldn't help but see parallels in our views. Especially in regards to my generations use of technology, and reduction of wonder for the natural world. I was born and raised in Maine, which is covered by 90% forest. It is, in fact, the most heavily forested state in the country. Because of which I had opportunities to explore some of the most pristine areas of the wilderness of my home. From which, I gained an appreciation for the delicate balance between the forces of nature, and where I belong to it. I believe this is connected to who I am, and how I use my creativity.

I never found myself playing video games really, the times I was watching TV it was documentaries (and The Simpsons). A lot of my generation can't see life past technology. Now I know this isn't true in every situation. I can often find myself hanging out with friends as they look at their phones. Nothing is gained we don't make things, we don't think. It's probably counterproductive.

I think the most important thing I gained from his words was an appreciation for my love for the natural world. Learning is something that should never stop. We are curious and creative by nature, and it is an unnatural affectation with technologies that damn it. I think Dr. Cuero is a brilliant man who has been on an amazing journey and I was happy to learn from him.

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