Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Madama Buterfliy

Wow, what beautiful piece of film. The choice to go with stop-motion was fantastic. This choice brought the story alive in a very unique way. I can see that this took a long time to create but it really paid off. The imagery was beautiful and very appropriate for the story.

The story of this film is very sad. It starts off as such a beautiful love story with a bit of comedy. but as the story continues it tells about the mothers love as her child grows. The end is sad and very unwelcome by the viewer. Personally, it left me feeling really sad when I left class. The way in which the story was told is very original and paired nicely with the music.

My take away from this film is one of appreciation for the art. Its symbolism was powerful and never lacking. It could have easily have lost the message if not done right. Ultimately this was done right and all the components came together to make a sweet and sad tale of love and loss.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Dr. Raul Cuero and Nature

While watching the interview with Dr. Raul Cuero I couldn't help but see parallels in our views. Especially in regards to my generations use of technology, and reduction of wonder for the natural world. I was born and raised in Maine, which is covered by 90% forest. It is, in fact, the most heavily forested state in the country. Because of which I had opportunities to explore some of the most pristine areas of the wilderness of my home. From which, I gained an appreciation for the delicate balance between the forces of nature, and where I belong to it. I believe this is connected to who I am, and how I use my creativity.

I never found myself playing video games really, the times I was watching TV it was documentaries (and The Simpsons). A lot of my generation can't see life past technology. Now I know this isn't true in every situation. I can often find myself hanging out with friends as they look at their phones. Nothing is gained we don't make things, we don't think. It's probably counterproductive.

I think the most important thing I gained from his words was an appreciation for my love for the natural world. Learning is something that should never stop. We are curious and creative by nature, and it is an unnatural affectation with technologies that damn it. I think Dr. Cuero is a brilliant man who has been on an amazing journey and I was happy to learn from him.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

"Take Flight"

This piece is called "Take Flight". The idea behind it is the concept of unity throughout the natural world. The feathers of the bird are made of a variety of leaves, which symbolizes one part of the natural world. The bird represents freedom of design in the natural world. The idea behind this is that even though life takes many forms in the world. We are all still connected in the larger sense of the world, or at least how I view it. The piece ultimately should reflect that connection.

Monday, September 3, 2018

First Day

 Here it was the first day of Art 211, and I was excited for sure. I hadn't been in an art class in over a year. I walked into the class of unfamiliar faces, all of which seemed to be as excited as me to be there. Everyone else talked to each other waiting for the Professor to arrive, and I sat in the back silent. I was not expecting our professor to walk in with a smile on her face, and head of brightly colored hair. But sure enough, that was our professor. I was very excited to see this, finally, a professor who seemed to be fun. My other profs had been pretty dry so far.

The class seemed even better as Professor Roundtree explained that we would be spanning different arts over the semester. Some of which I had interest in, some I had never really explored. Non the less I looked forward to this semester, and all this class had to offer.

I am David Macdonald a junior here at UT and only in my second semester here. I am a very creative person overall. My focus is screenwriting and producing films and different media platforms. I moved to Tampa from a small town in Maine called Naples with a population of around 3,500 people. It is a nice town for sure, but social economic problems forced me from the state I love. There are fewer and fewer jobs there and almost none in my field of study. I love the opportunities that UT has provided to me. I'm looking to learn more about everything I can. After High School I mad shoes, which sucked. So I started to just try to learn as much as possible finding information and knowledge to be the real key to success. So, in a nutshell, I'm an older guy finding his way in this world, looking to make some movies.